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Welcome to American Digital
On behalf of everyone associated
with American Digital Imaging,
we would like to welcome you to
our informative website.
American Digital Imaging is a
full-service imaging company
that provides sales and service
throughout New England.
Achieving the highest level of
Customer satisfaction has always
been, and will always be our
primary goal. We are positioned
to be a leader in the
distribution and marketing of
innovative medical imaging
equipment and media.
ADI is focused on building
strong customer relationships
and is constantly seeking
opportunities to make a
difference by providing
personal, customized service. In
an industry where a business
reputation determines its
success, the staff at ADI works
diligently in ensuring each
customer is completely satisfied
with every facet of their
interaction with our company.
American Digital Imaging
P.O. Box 2042
Teaticket, Ma 02536
Phone: 508-274-5404
E-mail: jdigital@comcast.net