Universal FST
The key benefits of this
sysem are as follows:
- Column rotation of
+/-180� (where
installation permits),
tube rotation of +/-180�
- Slender design wall
Fuji FCR XL-2
A revolutionary design
for digital x-ray,
bringing Fuji's renowned
image quality, ease of
use and high throughput
to the smallest
full-featured CR system
in the world. The two
models, the Fujifilm FCR
XL-2, require only 2.41
square feet of floor
space, enabling them to
be sited under
countertops or in exam
rooms behind control
panels, aiding sites
that have limited space
or could not otherwise
accommodate an in-room
Carestream Vita CR
Systems are designed for
hospitals, clinics and
practices that need
compact digital
solutions at an
affordable price. With
three options for
throughput speed, Vita
computed radiography
systems offer in-house,
high-quality digital
imaging to fit your
Rayence 1417 PGA
The 1417PGA/PCA is
ergonomically designed
with a removable handle
that gives the user the
option to attach it to
either the portrait or
landscape position of
the detector frame. It
can be used in existing
x-ray equipment, and its
thin dimensions require
no modifications to be
made to the bucky tray,
paving the way for
seamless and hassle free
digital upgrades.